A list of most Frequently Asked Questions from our users over the years. As we update our software, articles and questions referring to retired features will be removed for clarity.
How do I...?
- How do I customize my Grade Scale?
- How do I accept a student project proposal?
- How Can I Edit a Batch Assigned Experience?
- How do I Delete a Learning Experience from Foundry?
- How do I Add a Graduation Date or Other Custom Information to a Transcript?
- How do I reactivate a Group that has been Deleted?
Miscellaneous FAQ
- What types of files and links can I attach to Foundry experiences?
- Why do I see extra students on my students page?
- What is the difference between 'Guided Choice' and 'Free Choice'?
- Can I Print the Performance Page?
- Why are some credits not showing in a student transcript?
- What is a Content Target Set?