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How do I accept a student project proposal?


There are three main ways to accept or 'approve' an experience a student proposes to you for review. You can approve them through the Work To Do page (the default landing page for Advisors), the Experiences page (listing all experiences with which you are associated), or the individual experience plan page for an experience. Each method is detailed in the sections below.



Work to Do Page

Experiences Main Page

Individual Experience Plan Page



Work to Do Page

On the Work to Do page, Requested experiences will appear in the count on the "Experience Actions" button at top left:


You will see requested experiences listed by student when you click the "Requested" button, and you can view each experience plan by clicking each title. You can approve right from that pop-up window (shown below) OR open the plan as described further below.




Experiences Main Page

Advisor > Experiences > Requested

Navigate to the Experiences page, click the orange "Requested" tab at left to see the requested projects:



You can approve it directly from the list (the drop-down to the far right:




Individual Experience Plan Page

Alternatively, you can open the experience plan itself, review it first, then click "approve" from the experience actions dropdown at right:




Back to Contents

These topics are covered in more depth in other articles. See below if you would like to explore further.



Suggested Reading

Manage Workflow on the Work to Do Page

Manage Workflow on the Experiences Page

Labels: Experience Plans, experience actions,
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