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How Can I Edit a Batch Assigned Experience?




You've created an experience and "batch assigned" it to students. You then realize you left something out. You want to add a task or a learning target. How do you edit all those experiences?



If you created an experience and "batch assigned" it, this means each student received their own copy of the assignment. They are each now, in effect, separate learning experiences.

Remember that the purpose of batch assigning is to allow each student to customize, or to assist them with it. Differentiation is a good reason for using batch assign - if students are working toward different learning targets, for example. 



Option 1: Cancel and re-assign

Once you have batch assigned it, the toothpaste is out of the tube, so to speak. There is not currently a way to "recall" the experiences to make a single edit to all of them. If you have created a large number of batch-assigned experiences, you may want to cancel them outright. You will need to cancel them one at a time, but you can do it relatively quickly via the dropdown menu beside each experience on the table:



Option 2: Edit each plan

As with canceling above, you can use the dropdown to edit each experience, as long as the elements you plan to edit elements that were present in the type of form you originally chose to batch assign. So, if there was a task or learning target 'widget' in the original plan, you can add or remove tasks or learning targets from each individual plan. You cannot change the form type, however. So if you want to add tasks to an experience that had no tasks in the original form, you would need to cancel and re-assign using the correct form.


Option 3: Notify students to edit their plan

Students can make the same edits to their form you can, including adding other students - to  make it a partner or group project. Again, they cannot change the form type, so they cannot, for example, add tasks to a plan form that did not originally have a task widget attached.

If the form is workable, you can communicate to your students (via Foundry message or embedded chat comment) that they need to add or remove the missing task, learning target, or other form element before submitting the experience for approval. If the "Requested" experiences do not have the additional tasks or targets attached, you can simply return them to the student with clarification. See the examples below.


Foundry message:

See how in this example, the advisor has chosen the experience to attach the message.


The student, Rocky, will see the message in the Info bar mailbox as well as in the Work tab of the experience itself:

Screen_Shot_2023-03-20_at_3.41.16_PM.png         Screen_Shot_2023-03-20_at_3.40.12_PM.png 


Embedded chat:

In the image below, the advisor has commented on the experience plan itself, in the description section. This way, Rocky's advisor can track in her Work To Do table whether he has read and responded to the chat.



Suggested Reading:

Experiences: Batch Assign

Thanks to our friends at Prep Academy for the question that prompted this article!


Labels: experiences, batch_assign,
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