Why can't I?
If your learning target report is generating properly, but is not showing any data for the student, this may be due to the fact that the student has not been assigned a default Learning plan.
Starting in January 2018, students must have a default learning plan assigned in order for Foundry to properly generate student results in reports and performance menu pages.
Suggested Approach
If your Foundry setup includes at least one Learning Plan Template, and students are assigned to this Learning Plan Template, Foundry will consider that the student's 'default Learning Plan'.
Check 1: If you have a Learning Plan Template configured, check if the student is actually assigned to the Learning Plan Template. Without that step, no project proposal will be able to be generated that has Learning Targets associated with it. If the student is not assigned to a Learning Plan, proceed to assign students to Learning Plan template.
If you do not have a Learning Plan Template, you will need to establish at least 1 Learning Plan Template and assign a student to this plan.
Check 2: In Admin > Learning Plans, select on Manage Templates and identify the Learning Plan Template. If there is no Template, read here to learn how to create and assign a template.
Labels: Learning Target Report,