This article will teach you how to create and manage your groups. Groups are a critical component of your Foundry site, because they help establish visibility between users. Read more in depth about visibility here.
Group Types
There are multiple types of Groups that can be established in Foundry. Each has a slightly different purpose and function:
- Advisory: The most widely-used type. You can think of an advisory like you would a traditional classroom, where a teacher helps students master specific content, or like an advisory/homeroom setting, where the advisor helps students with personal development, leadership skills, or tracking program benchmarks, like graduation requirements. In either case, this is the primary way for Advisors to have visibility into student work. The advisor's role is to monitor, facilitate, and evaluate the experiences being completed by the students in their group.
- Team: The most common use of the Team is to create family groups, so parents can log into Foundry to see (and comment on) their children's work. But they can also function to allow coaches view-only access to students in their team - allowing the coach user to provide support, encouragement, as well as track progress, or to provide a student counselor or mentor with a way to connect with the students in her caseload.
- Project Review and Message: You will see these group types available in Foundry under groups as they have been a part of the software through many versions. However, this article does not currently detail their functionality as they are lesser-used. If you have questions about these types, please email us at support@projectfoundry.com.
Page layout
Below is the view of the Groups Management Page.
The Groups page consists of two main sections below the brown menu bar. Here is the list of the current groups and an option to create groups:
The main panel below has four sections:
- Group Name and Group Type dropdown
- Group Student selector
- Group Guide selector
- Group Manager selector
Create a group
Establish your group type
Once you've determined the type of group you need to create, Click the '+Create Group' button found at the top of the list of existing groups in the left margin. Give your group a unique name and select the the group type from the drop-down menu to the right.
See Group Types above.
Select group Students
Next, select all the student users who will be part of the group. Note that Foundry automatically identifies which roles are available for a user. For each role a user has, the user must be added to see that group when logged into that role.
In the first section, available users (not already part of the current group) are listed on the left, the current group members are listed on the right side of the page.
Click on a user's name in the left column to add that user to the Selected Students column on the right. Adding users to an existing Group works the same way as for a new group.
Select group Guides
Users eligible to become group Guides will populate at left and can be added to the right column, as with the group's Students menu above.
Advisors selected as group Guides will gain visibility into student work. They can view student experience plans for students in their group, and see student work on the Performance page. They can, of course, view, edit, and evaluate experience plans they have created.
Note that group guides can opt in or out of notifications for work related to the group's members.
Select group Managers
Users eligible to become group Managers will populate at left and can be added to the right column, as with the group students and guides menus above.
Advisors who become part of the group as Managers will have complete visibility over all work for all students in that group, meaning all those student projects will be visible, editable, and evaluable by that advisor. So, take care when assigning advisors to the manager role.
However, work from students in the Manager's groups will not flow into the Work to Do page unless the Manager is specifically attached to those students' experiences.
The Manager can edit the group's membership, configuration, etc. This applies only when logged into the Admin role.
Note that individual group Managers can opt in or out of notifications for work related to the group's members.
MANAGERS AND VISIBILITY Group managers have the most comprehensive visibility into student work, including on individual learning experiences. If you want an advisor who is not assigned as a group manager to have visibility into student experiences, they will need to be added to individual experiences in the experience planner. |
Save the configuration
When all group members, guides, and mangers have been selected, click the 'Save Group' button to save the group.
To edit the group, select it from the list at left, and the edit window will be immediately available:
Suggested Reading:
Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." |
Labels: groups, edit groups, visibility, create group,