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This article explains in detail how to view and interpret information on Credit completion on the Performance Page. Information relates to settings in the Learning Plan and Grade Scale. Please refer to these articles if you are unsure about how these functions work in Foundry.
Viewing Credit Completion on the Performance Page
Credit Totals by Subject and Subject Group
Experiences with Multiple Targets
Foundry was originally designed to help schools track student progress in learning that didn't fit traditional models of courses and credits. Progressive schools had begun to encourage cross-curricular learning experiences that allowed students to demonstrate learning in both Science and Social Studies, for example.
But how could teachers in traditionally separated, subject-based classes track this kind of work using traditional grading tools?
They couldn't. Foundry works so well for non-traditional learning and teaching models because it allows teachers to track student progress at the individual target level.
Still, many schools embracing these newer models needed to allow students to show their progress in "traditional" reporting tools, like transcripts, which typically require the use of credits. Colleges and Universities tend to recognize credits that accrue to learning at the 'subject' level - Science, Math, Language, etc. Foundry supports recognizing learning at the target level while collecting credits at the Subject or Target Group level.
This means students can earn Science credits by completing Science targets. However, credits do not automatically accrue when students earn learning targets - they must be applied to each learning experience during the evaluation phase.
Watch the brief overview video and continue reading to learn how these applied credits appear on the Performance Page. If you are just beginning to use Foundry, it is recommended you begin with the article, Performance Page: An Introduction.
Demonstration Video
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Viewing Credit Completion on the Performance Page
The Performance Page displays target completion by default. Click the 'Credits' button to switch to the credits view. The progress charts and filters work the same way as on the targets view, but this page shows how many credits a student has earned and how many are left in the selected Learning Plan.
In the above graphic, credit completion is summarized at the Subject level. The progress bar shows earned credits in green, remaining credits in gray. The total credit requirement is determined by the student's learning plan.
Click to view completion at the Target Group level (see below).
Credit Totals by Subject and Subject Group
This expanded view shows essentially the same information as the Subject view, but broken into each target group.
The green bars at the subject and subject group levels show the current total of credits earned in each subject and subject group. The grey part of the bar indicates required credits have yet to be earned.
The small blue box to the right of the column indicates 'extra' credits earned beyond the learning plan requirement for each target group or subject. These accrue to 'Guided Choice' or 'Free Choice' if your school uses these features.
Click to view completion at the Target level (see below).
Credit Totals by Experience
Once at the Target level, the display contains a good deal of information. Credits here are listed by individual experience, grouped by Subject and Target Group. Each experience contains a link allowing you to view the experience plan, workflow, and summarized assessment data.
Experience Status
Experiences that are still active (not yet set as 'complete' by the Advisor) are indicated with the text " - active" beside their title.
Experiences that have been canceled appear in the same way, with the text "- canceled" beside their title.
Experiences which have been completed contain no additional text.
Experience Color Codes
Experiences listed have a colored background, with the following meanings:
Green: The targets and related credits earned were required at the target level by the student's learning plan.
Blue: The targets and related credits earned were not required at the target level; either they were required at the Subject level or were allowed by Guided Choice selections in the student's learning plan.
Pink: The experience contains earned targets but has not been assigned credit. This may not be a mistake, but serves as a visual prompt to the advisor that the evaluation may not be complete.
As shown in the image above (expanded below), a double asterisk (**) in place of a credit or a single asterisk (*) in place of a grade means a target was awarded but no credit was given:
In these cases, clicking will hide these projects, since no credit has been assigned.
To the right of each experience, the display shows the credits and grade awarded for each target.
Experiences with Multiple Targets
You may, as with the Targets view, see the same experience listed more than once, if targets were assigned in multiple subject groups. In the graphic below, the same experience, "Aquaponics: Feeding a Hungry World," contained learning targets in English 12, Life Science, Earth Science, and STEM.
If credits were earned on each of the targets in this experience, they will show to the right.
Canceled Experiences
Despite the best-laid plans, sometimes Advisors need to cancel experiences, for various reasons. Because of complex relationships between many layers of data, almost nothing is ever deleted from Foundry.
Experiences and their data fall in this category, especially those with evaluation data attached. When canceling experiences that already contain evaluated targets, grades, or credits, these must be removed from the evaluation page before canceling, or they will persist both on the Performance Page and on certain reports and transcripts.
In the graphic above, note two different canceled experiences - one with a credit and grade, one with asterisks. The experience titled 'All the Light We Cannot See' contains 0.1 credits and an 'A' grade. In that school's grade scale, shown below, an 'A' grade is marked as GPA-bearing with a point value of 4.0:
This means the student's credits and GPA calculations include a canceled experience, which is inaccurate. The three very important takeaways from this scenario:
- While viewing a student's credit page, always check to see if canceled experiences contain credit or grade data - by leaving the 'Done' button unchecked. If credit or grade data is present, re-activate the experience, remove the credit and/or grade, then re-cancel it.
- When deciding to cancel an experience, always remove evaluation data first, then cancel the experience.
- If the experience should remain active for some students, but 'canceled' for others, first remove any evaluation data from the student(s) to be removed, then remove the student(s).
Suggested Reading
Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." |