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Experiences: Edit or Remove Evaluation Data (video)

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This article details how to manage changes to experiences when they are already partially or completely evaluated. The key point in all of the following scenarios is that students and student evaluation data are separate objects, so they need to be treated individually when making changes to experience evaluation data. 



Background with Example Video

Remove Students from Experiences

Remove Targets/Competencies from Experiences

Remove Credits from Experiences

Cancel Evaluated Experiences


Background with Example Video

There are various instances when advisors need to change experiences that contain evaluation data:

  • changing the mark on a target,
  • revising an individual (letter) grade,
  • removing a learning target,
  • removing a student from an experience, or
  • canceling the experience entirely,

Just to name a few examples.

But what data needs to be changed and the way you change it can have unexpected consequences for reporting on that data. The best way to avoid these consequences is to start with a very basic understanding of how data is stored in Foundry.


The two most important things to understand about evaluation data are that

1) In an experience: the experience itself, the students assigned to it, the learning targets associated with it, and the proficiency marks, grades, credits, and even comments assigned to those targets and (optionally) to the experience itself are all distinct data "objects"


2) Changing or removing one of these data objects does not necessarily change or remove other data objects to which it is connected. 



Let's take an example student, Jasper Arryn. Jasper has been part of a seminar-type experience called "Swords or Plowshares." The experience is not a group project, per se, but also has many other students, contains learning targets in English, and counts for 1 credit.


Note: In this school's setup, which is fairly common, the credit and grades will be awarded to the learning targets - which accrue to the subject groups and subjects which contain the targets - not to the experience itself.


Because on his transcript, we want to see credits for English, not for "Swords or Plowshares." This is how schools using Foundry can give students the freedom to earn traditional credits without requiring them to complete identical work in a course-type format.

This is the baseline setup for credits and grades in Foundry, but you can also opt to assign credits and grades to individual experiences.


Jasper is on track to earn all targets and receive the 1 credit. In fact, his teacher has entered all these evaluations before the experience was completed.

Later, Jasper decided he wanted to expand the project to a 5-credit, capstone-type project and add Math and Science targets as well. So, after a consultation, his Advisor decided to remove him from the seminar experience.

In order to avoid credit and targets showing on the Performance Page or transcripts, the advisor must first open the evaluation and remove any evaluations for targets, credits, comments and grades. The video below demonstrates how this is correctly done:



Remove Students from Experiences

Remember, students and student data are separate objects. This means that if you remove a student from an experience before removing their data:

  • Targets and credits earned will not appear on the Assess tab or the Performance Page; but
  • Comments left by the advisor will remain;
  • The credits will still report on the student's transcript, which will cause discrepancies between the expected and recorded credit;
  • To remove the credit after the student has been removed:
    • Edit the experience plan and re-add the student to the experience.
    • The student and credits will now appear in the evaluation screen.
    • Remove the credits ('clear selection'), save, and click 'done editing' or 'complete this experience.'

Remove Targets/Competencies from Experiences

With the same understanding that a student and a student's earned targets are separate objects:

  • Removing the target from an experience - which affects all students - does not remove evaluated credit on that target.
  • Both the target and the credit must be manually removed.

Remove Credits from Experiences

  • Removing credit from an experience does not remove the target on which the credit was earned.

Cancel Evaluated Experiences

  • Canceling an experience with earned credits will remove credits earned from the transcript, but credits still appear on Performance Page, which may cause confusion.
  • To clear credits from a canceled experience, select ReActivate from the experience actions menu, then follow the steps above to remove credits or any other evaluations, then cancel it.


Labels: evaluation, experiences, remove students, remove targets, delete data, cancel experiences, cancel, change evaluation,
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