Note: This article contains video content that will not display or is not optimized to display correctly in the Foundry on-site support widget. For best results, we recommend reading the original in the Knowledge Base. Click the pop-out button |
This article defines the Advisor's "Students" page and how it works. While the table appears similar to the one on the Work to Do page, it functions differently.
Overview Video
Note: this video also exists on your Foundry site. Click the orange 'How To' button on the Students page to play it.
The Students page contains a table similar to the one on the Work to Do page, but it functions quite differently. Where the Work to Do page shows data for all current work - that is, work that has been submitted for you to review, respond to, mark as seen, or evaluate - the Students page contains a record of all current work and all completed work.
Where the cell data on the Work to Do increases or decreases when students submit work and you review it, the Students page cell data typically only increases. In a sense, the data represents the elements in the Portfolio and the Experiences pages combined.
The Students page also links to each student’s Portal, where you can view Foundry as your students view it, while remaining logged in as an Advisor. You can navigate any page they can see, perhaps most critically their Personal Learning Plan (PLP) page.
As with the Work to Do and Experiences pages, the table headers represent experiences, tasks, learning logs, journals, and evidence, and all these are sortable by clicking. The students page also has three additional features:
In addition to the student textbox filter and the groups dropdown filter on the Work to Do page, the Students page also has a time filter at the top left of the table. The time filter has preset date ranges as well as a tab for you to enter a custom date range:
Preset Date Ranges | Custom Date Range |
Last Login Date
The column second to the right of the Students page table shows the most recent date a student has logged into Foundry. This is useful for noting which students are regularly using the software.
Student Actions Menu
The rightmost column on the page contains a menu of actions Advisors can take with regard to a specific student. They are essentially the same actions as those in the Quick Actions menu, but you can use this menu quickly if you need to take action for a specific student:
Note: As of the date of this publication, the "Add Task" option will assign a task to a a particular student's experience, which the Advisor will choose in the resulting popup. However, when an Advisor chooses to "add" a log, journal, or evidence, Foundry will submit the evidence on behalf of the student. The option does not "assign" the journal, log, or evidence as work for the student to complete. Currently, there is no direct way to "assign" a log, journal, or evidence. Advisors can indicate that these items are required as part of an experience either in the experience form directions, via Foundry message, or by adding a task to the experience. Students must initiate the process of completing the log, journal, or evidence on their own. |
Student Portal
The Student Portal shows your student's view of Foundry within your view. Click any student's name on the Students page (this also works from the Work To Do page) to view their portal.
Below the Advisor's green nav bar, the student whose portal you are viewing appears beside an icon with their initials. To the right, you'll see a Quick Actions menu specific to that student. Note: Any action you take using this menu will be done on behalf of the student.
Below that is the student's blue nav bar, which will navigate to the displayed Foundry pages as that student. If you click Work To Do on a student's portal nav bar, for example, you will see their Work To Do page only - which, as the following image shows, is slightly different from the Advisor's Work To Do:
While connected to a student's Portal, you are also able to ‘contribute’ work on their behalf - like completing a journal or even submitting an experience. This can be helpful if a student is experiencing technical or other difficulties preventing them from doing work in Foundry, but it is also a very helpful way for you to experiment with the workflow between students and advisors without constantly switching between accounts and logging in and out.
Personal Learning Plan (PLP)
The PLP in Foundry is like a student Profile page. Schools can customize it for various purposes, but it will hold each student’s photo, personal statement, individual academic, personal, and social goals, list and link to active in-progress learning, and display other academic progress and custom information. Its main purpose is to allow students to personalize their learning journey.
Your Foundry Admin can set which features appear on the PLP page.
You can customize your view of a Student PLP page by clicking the settings icon (gear). This allows you to expand or contract the height or width of each box. Some boxes contain an 'edit' or 'add goal' link, which you can use to add student goals.
You can check a goal box to mark that goal complete, or click the arrow menu to verify goal completion when a student checks a goal as complete. Completed or verified personal goals will appear on the student's Portfolio page along with learning experience tasks.
Suggested Reading
Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." |
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