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Submitting Work



This article explains various ways students can submit "work" to their teachers and advisors.




Submit an Experience for evaluation

Write a Journal

Complete a Learning Log

Upload Evidence

Complete a Task



Submit an Experience for evaluation

Both students and advisors can create a learning experience, and technically both can submit an experience for evaluation. Submitting an experience in Foundry means "I'm done and turning this work in to be evaluated by my advisor."

Only experiences in the "Active" status can be submitted for evaluation - because "Active" means either your advisor has assigned it to you or you proposed it and your advisor approved it.

When you are ready to submit it, there are a few ways to do so: from the table on your Work to Do page, from the table on your Experiences page, or from the experience plan itself. Clicking the title of the experience on either page will open the plan.


Submitting from the Work to Do table:

Remember that the Work to Do page contains all the learning experiences that have not been completed. The color-coded status bar appears just to the right of the experience title, and the drop-down menu containing the "submit" link appears to the far right:




Click the down arrow to open the menu, then select "Submit for Evaluation." This will notify your advisor that you have submitted the experience.




You will see a brief message stating "You successfully submitted (title of the experience)." The status tag will change immediately so you know the .



From there, you can check on the status of your submitted work on the Work to Do page. Click the large 'Experiences' button at left:

Screen Shot 2023-12-05 at 11.51.51 PM.png


to see those experiences that you've requested and are waiting for your advisor to approve, those that your advisor has returned to you for more work before approval, and those you have submitted:


Screen Shot 2023-12-05 at 11.50.47 PM.png

Once your advisor has evaluated the experience and marked it "complete," it will leave the Work to Do page, but it will remain on your Experiences page.

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Submitting from the Experiences table:

Remember that on the Experiences page, your experiences are filtered by both time and status, so you may not see all your experiences when you first look at the page. Adjust the time filter or click on the button at left to find the experiences you want.

Once you have found the experience you want to submit, the dropdown menu on this page works exactly the same as it does on the Work to Do page:



Submitting from the Experience Plan:

Finally, you can submit an experience from the Experience plan itself, using the 'Experience Actions' dropdown menu at the right side of any of the three tabs (Plan, Work, Assess) inside an experience:


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Write a Journal

The journal function is typically not 'assigned' by the advisor, although your advisor might require it as an expectation within a learning experience. If so, they may also assign a task to notify you that it's expected and so you can track the due date. So unlike a learning experience, you may not receive a notification that a journal is expected.

To submit a journal as work, you can select 'Add Journal' from several places:

  • the Quick Actions dropdown on any page,
  • the Experience Actions dropdown within an experience,
  • or from the table dropdowns on the Work to Do or Experiences pages, as shown above for submitting an experience for evaluation. 

Choose the journal form type you want (if there are multiple options). If you chose Add Journal from a particular experience or table, the experience is automatically chosen. If not, select the experience to connect the journal to it:



Click "Create" to open the journal form. You can click "change form" to choose a different journal type. Once you have completed the journal, click "Send for Review." This is like submitting an experience for evaluation. Your advisor will be notified and can then review and comment on your work.



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Complete a Learning Log

Learning logs are opened and completed in mostly the same way as journals. Select "Add Log" from any of the available dropdown menus. The log forms may have slightly different "widgets" built into them, but they function the same way. 

Once you have chosen your form, connected the log to an experience, and completed the required fields, click the blue "Save" button at the bottom right of the form. As with journals, your advisor will be notified and can review and comment.



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Upload Evidence

As with journals and logs, you can select "Add Evidence" from any available dropdown menu - Quick Actions, the Work to Do or Experiences tables, or from within an experience plan.  Your school may or may not have different evidence form options, but the process works mostly the same way as described for journals and logs.

Once you've chosen the form you want, describe the evidence according to the form, then attach either a document (doc file, image file, vide file, etc) or a link (Google Drive link, YouTube, Vimeo, etc).


Each evidence form holds one piece of evidence; so if you have more than one type of file, upload multiple evidence forms.

Once you are finished attaching evidence, choose one of the three options at the bottom of the form:

  • "Save for Later" means the form will wait for you to finish it later;
  • "Save evidence" will attach the the evidence to your experience;
  • "Save evidence and submit this experience..." will both attach the evidence and submit the whole experience for evaluation.



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Complete a Task

Tasks work slightly differently from journals and logs. They can be assigned by your advisor as part of an experience plan or at any time through any of the same dropdown options as described above.

Tasks will appear on your Work to Do page when the due date is close, or if they are overdue. You can use the Work to Do popup windows to manage and mark them as "complete":




or you can mark them complete from within the Experience plan itself:



Either way, your advisor will be notified that you have completed the task, and can mark it as "verified."

Note: At the time of this publication, verified tasks still show in your Work to Do table; our developers are working to correct this. In future releases, once you mark a task complete, it will disappear from your Work to Do page.




Suggested Reading:

Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." 



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