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Student Activity Summary



This article explains the Student Activity Summary.



What it Looks Like

Report Options

Report Sections


What it Looks Like

This is what the Student Activity Summary looks like. It is currently available in portrait format:




Report Options

The Student Activity Summary report is a relatively simple, time-based report displaying one student per page. After selecting students, indicate the desired date range and click "Generate Report."


Report Sections

Categories for Credit Accumulation

Completed Projects 

Active Projects 


This report shows in-progress detail for a specific student for a specific period of time.   It is most useful as a formative reporting tool.  It lists the type of experiences in which the student has logged time, credits earned per experience, as well as active projects, each in its own section. The report does not show learning targets or grades. There are three separate sections:


Categories for Credit Accumulation

Like the Detailed Transcript Report, this section lists the total number of hours logged working on experiences of each type. The types listed here are the name of your site's experience forms.

For example, students could have projects requests, field experience requests, course seminars etc. all listed in this section, which gives parents a sense of the variety of experiences students are utilizing.  In addition, this report contains a key at the bottom, which provides parents with the definitions of these categories.  


Completed Projects

Besides categories for credit, this report also has a column that lists completed projects and credit earned, with credits totaled below.


Active Projects

The third area addressed in this report is a section for active projects, which details dates started and ended and time logged to individual projects. This section shows parents what work students have in progress.  Parents can also see how accurately students are logging time.  


Finally, this report contains a parent signature line, which when returned signed by parents, keeps communication open among student, parent, and advisor and serves as evidence for student reporting and accountability measures.  


Suggested Reading

Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles."


Introduction to Reports and Transcripts


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