This report is designed primarily for schools that do not rely on credits to mark performance. It consists of three main displays, shown below. Overall, the report is good for demonstrating how well a student has been performing, with an emphasis on subject groupings. It does not show how much has been done - in other words, progress toward completion of a learning plan. See below for further details.
Detailed Content Area Subject Group Performance
What it Looks Like
This is what the Non-Credit Transcript looks like. It is currently available only in Portrait format:
Content Area Performance
The first section is a pie chart that indicates the proportion of scale marks earned in content targets:
Skills Area Performance
A table that indicates the number of times the student demonstrated each level of proficiency in each of the required skill areas, which resembles the trends view of the performance page:
Detailed Content Area Subject Group Performance
The third section is a series of tables of the scale marks earned in each subject group, organized by subject. Each subject section of the table lists the experiences in which those marks were earned, but does not specify each mark for each target or each experience:
Suggested Reading
Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." |
Labels: transcripts, reports, non-credit transcript,