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Advanced Course Code Report



This article explains the Advanced Course Code Report, an exportable spreadsheet available under Quick Actions > Generate Transcripts.  This is a term-based report, which means it will only pull data from those date ranges you set as terms. For more information on managing terms, read here. It might be useful to review the Course Code Report article before continuing.




What it Looks Like

Report Options

Report Summary

What it Contains

How to Use the Report



What it Looks Like



Report Options

From the Transcript Page, select the student(s) and the term(s) on which you wish to report, then click "Generate Transcript." You can see the completed report in your report window and download it from there.

Note: If you select multiple terms, you must make sure the terms do not overlap, or you will get duplicate data entries. For example, a semester and the full year should not be selected in the same report.

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Report Summary

The Advanced Course Code Report is often used by schools who use a traditional course-style format but allow students to earn credits with interdisciplinary experiences. These schools still need to report to their state boards of education how the credit was earned. It is modeled after the Minnesota Course Code Report, which Foundry originally designed for schools there.


This report generates the same data as the Course Code Report, but contains four additional fields and some additional formatting. 

The ACCR is intended as a draft to check before submitting to the state. The additional fields are middle initial, date of birth, gender, and "Action Needed." The fields are not displayed in the exact same order as the Course Code Report.


"Action Needed" indicates that some data is missing or incorrectly formatted, according to the requirements of the report's original design. You most likely can ignore this information. 


The Report, just like the Course Code Report, lists every credit (or fraction thereof) earned in a student's learning experiences. For schools that allow students to complete interdisciplinary projects, this is critical. Interdisciplinary projects contain learning targets from different subject groups, or even different subjects. Foundry helps advisors distribute credit for the whole project among the various subjects.


For example, a student who designs a project about global health issues might demonstrate skills in geography, statistics, political science, and health education. Her advisor might assign fractional credit for each subject containing those learning targets.

The Course Code Report, because it is a sortable data table, allows observers (like a State Board of Education) to see both the complete learning experiences that encapsulated the interdisciplinary learning and the diffuse learning experiences that earned required course credits.

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What it Contains

The spreadsheet contains the following information, from left to right:

  • Action Needed (you should generally disregard this field - if you have questions, contact support@projectfoundry.com).
  • Student info:  Id, Last Name, First Name, M.I., Gender, Birthdate
  • Subject, Subject Group, Course Code
  • Credit Earned (fractional by Subject Group), Grade/Mark (if assigned), GPA (the grade points earned with the credit, not the overall GPA)
  • Evaluator Name, Evaluator Id (sometimes the advisor who evaluates an experience is not the same advisor who created it)
  • Project Title, Experience Type (the form used to create the experience)
  • Date Evaluated

How to Use the Report

The CCR was originally created for schools in Minnesota that needed to provide data on non-traditional learning experience formats to the state. It is still intended primarily for this purpose, but it is a valuable research and analysis tool because it comes as a spreadsheet.   

This article will not presently explore all the various insights that can be extracted from the report. However, it is worth noting that you can run the report for a single student or multiple students, which can provide a wealth of sortable, filterable, analyzable data. You might compare different students of the same advisor, a student's performance with different advisors, the narrowness or breadth of certain learning experiences, etc.

Because it is primarily meant to report on credits, the Advanced Course Code Report does not contain data on individual learning targets.

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Suggested Reading

Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles."


Course Code Report

Labels: spreadsheet, reports, advanced course code report,
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