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This article serves as an index for locating articles by their function. Certain functions and features are primarily accessed in one of the following roles, so this index can help you find relevant information faster.

If what you want to do in Foundry is listed under a header, click that header to navigate to that portion of the Knowledge Base. Click an entry to navigate to that section of the Knowledge Base.

Note: Links on the main headers below direct you to the section of the Knowledge Base pertaining to that role. Some of the links below take you directly to an article, while others may take you to a section of related articles.


Admin Role Functions

Users: Adding, Editing, Deactivating

Groups: Creating and Managing

Learning Target Sets: Creating and Managing

Scales: Creating and Managing

Forms: Creating and Managing


Learning Plans: Creating, Assigning, Managing


School settings

Site features



Advisor Role Functions

Learning Experiences: Creating, Assigning, and Evaluating

Managing Student Work

Student Performance Tracking


Reports and Transcripts

Portfolio: Reviewing Student Work


Calendar: Adding and Managing



Student Role Functions

Learning Experiences



Learning Logs


Personal Learning Plan page

Reports and Transcripts


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