This article describes how the Journal feature works in Foundry, and how Journals are connected to Learning Experiences.
Reviewing Submitted Journals (includes video)
Purpose of Journals
Journals are an important tool in the Deeper Learning toolbox to help students reflect on their work, their own behavior and progress towards mastery.
Foundry uses journals as an integral component of the coaching process between advisor and student(s), but they are not evaluated as a distinct piece of work.
As with experiences and other experience components like learning logs and evidence, you and your students can comment on journal entries as part of your ongoing dialogue.
Journal Form Types
Most Foundry sites come pre-loaded with several types of Journals designed by Foundry staff. Your Foundry Admin users can edit these forms or create additional Journal forms as needed. Examples of journal types follow:
The format you choose for an experience has no specific functional impact on your work, but should fit your purpose.
Pro-tip: To encourage journals for longer pieces that maintain formatting (paragraphs, emphasis, font sizes, etc.), select a journal form with a formatted textbox, as shown below. |
Assigning a Journal
Technically, advisors do not "assign" journals in Foundry as they do Experiences. Advisors can direct students to write single or multiple journals by adding them as tasks in the Experience Plan, or they can add such tasks to the experience after it has been assigned.
Primarily, students initiate the process by selecting "Add Journal" from either the Quick Actions menu (below left) or the Experience Actions menu inside an individual experience (below right):
When selecting "Add Journal" from the Quick Actions menu, you and your students will need to choose the appropriate experience from the list of available experiences. When adding a journal within an experience plan, the journal is automatically attached to the experience.
Note: Since Foundry requires all journals to be attached to an experience, if you want students to use journals to develop their writing practice, or unattached to a more "content"-oriented experience, we recommend you create a long-term journaling experience, and direct your students to add journals to it. |
When a student completes a journal, they click "Send for Review":
Reviewing Submitted Journals
Advisors can review a journal item, and how and when the Work to Do table updates its count of current work. Once the journal is sent for review, it appears in the Work to Do page of any advisors assigned to that experience. Once the advisor has reviewed it, they can click the title of the journal from the modal to review. This will remove it from the Work to Do page.
The below video demonstrates this workflow in action:
Suggested Reading
Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." |
Labels: journals, assign journal,