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This article describes the functions of the Portfolio page. In most cases, elements displayed here appear as they do elsewhere in Foundry. 

Software Note: As part of a more comprehensive update to Foundry, the structure and function of the Portfolio was simplified in 2022. As of this publication, it essentially works exactly like the Student page, but displays one student at a time. We do expect updates to the Portfolio function in the near future, and will update this article at that time.



As your students become more involved in authentic learning experiences, the way they demonstrate learning will evolve, and capturing it all can become messy and time consuming. The Portfolio collects the meaningful work that supports your students’ learning.


On loading the Portfolio, the slide-out menu at left will prompt you to choose a single student to view. Once you have selected a student, a 1-row table (essentially similar to that on the Student page) will display the total number of work items (tasks, logs, journals, and evidence) the student has completed within the time frame selected.


Screen_Shot_2023-01-12_at_11.37.26_AM.pngThe default setting is generally 'All of Time', but you can adjust the time filter as you do on other pages.

Click any cell to display the list of work items of that type. The modal will display the items as it does elsewhere, and you can click the title of the item to review it. Uploaded evidence will appear in the viewer as it does elsewhere.



Labels: time_logs, portfolio, journal, evidence, advisor,
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