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Learning Targets: Manage your Target Sets



This article demonstrates how to manage a target set once you have created and uploaded it to your Foundry site.

Over time, you may want to make changes to your content targets or skill targets, such as: edit, add, reorganize, or deactivate Subjects, Subject Groups, Target Names, and Target Descriptions.

Editing can be done using the Target Editor or by importing via spreadsheet. Read below for instructions on both options.




Edit using the Target Editor

Update using Spreadsheet Import





Edit using the Target Editor

Navigate to Admin > Learning Targets > Manage Content Targets 


Change Default Scales

Along the top of the Content Target Editor, you can see two links to change the Default Scales used to evaluate targets and grades.


Select Target Set

You can select the target set you are working with using the following drop-down. Note: Selecting and editing a target set does not change its active status. See below to make a set active or inactive.





Edit Title, Description and Active Status

Use the 'Edit' link (shown below) to make the following changes:

  • target set title
  • description
  • whether it is the active learning target set

 Click the the "edit" link next to the name of the target set to open the following menu:






Edit Subjects

Use the Learning target page (below) to make the following changes:

  • wording of the Subject titles
  • if the subjects are evaluative (able to be evaluated at the end of projects)
  • if the Subjects are active (able to be seen by users when selecting targets

Currently, Required Targets and Required Credits are set by the Learning Plan function in Foundry. Do not set these functions here.



Note: You must click the 'Save' button in a row before making changes to another row. 


Edit Subject Groups, Targets Names, Descriptions


Click the 'manage' button for any Subject to make changes to the following. Click "Edit" on any Subject Group or Target Name.  Make the desired changes and by sure to click "Save."
  • At the Subject Group level: 
    • Name
    • Subject Group wording and properties  (Edit)
    • Course ID (if applicable)
    • Evaluation Scale (if different from the Default Scale)
    • Subject Group order (Up/Down) 
    • Subject Group placement (move a Subject Group to a different Subject)
    • add a new Target to the Subject Group


  • At the Target level:
    • change the wording of the target title
    • change the wording of target description
    • determine the scale used to evaluate the target
    • activate or deactivate the target



Add Subject Groups and Targets

Open any Subject from the content or skill target view and scroll to the bottom of the all of the Subject Groups. You will see "Add a subject group to this subject." (See below)


Create the new Subject Group and click "Add."


At the end of each Subject Group (See Physics in the image above.) you will see "Add a target to this group."  Click and add the new Target, check it Active, and be sure to click "Save."


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Update Using Spreadsheet Import

If you want to add large numbers of new Subjects, Subject Groups, or Targets, it is more time efficient to do so by spreadsheet. You may also make large numbers of edits using a spreadsheet, however, see cautions in red below.


Add New Subjects, Subject Groups, Targets by Spreadsheet

The first step is to open the target editor, as with the above example. Navigate to Admin> Learning Targets> Content Targets or Skill Targets. 




Click into Content Targets or Skills Targets. Click "download template" and create or copy your new targets onto the template. Follow the upload instructions in the gray box. Your new Subjects, Subject groups, and Targets will integrate into the existing target set.



Editing Subjects, Subject Groups, Targets by Spreadsheet

Sometimes you may need to update many targets at once.  In this case, updating via spreadsheet can be a much more efficient practice.  However, it is very important that you do so with great care.

Note: Each target created in Foundry is assigned a unique TargetID within the Foundry database. In general, the preferred method is to make the change in the Target Editor (See above). However, if you plan to make many edits, you may do so using a spreadsheet upload.  NOTE: It is essential that you use the "export set" spreadsheet. This will associate the existing TargetID's with the targets you want to edit. If you upload a new spreadsheet that has the same names as the old set but with some edits, Foundry will create new targets with a new unique ID, thus creating duplicate targets. 



  1. Click "export set" to download your current target set in an Excel spreadsheet, which you can then open, make necessary edits or adds to it, and then save.
  2. Once you have your new version saved, click "Choose File," select the saved spreadsheet from your local drive, then click "import."
  3. Upon success, you will return to the edit window. Any new subject groups will now display on your list.
  4. Click "manage" to verify edits or additions to targets within existing subject groups.
  5. On the top right of the next view, click [export set]:Screen_Shot_2020-07-24_at_12.24.14_PM.png


The same link plus instructions can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the same page:Screen_Shot_2020-07-24_at_12.30.12_PM.png

After making the edits the exported target set, follow the upload instructions in the gray box. 

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Suggested Reading

Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowlege Base AI lists "Related Articles." 


Create a Target Set: Content or Skills


Labels: Content Target Set, Learning Target Set, edit content targets, manage content targets,
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