This article explains how to customize forms that are used for creating learning experiences and components, like journals, logs, and evidence forms.
Note: This article contains video content that will not display or is not optimized to display correctly in the Foundry on-site support widget. For best results, we recommend reading the original in the Knowledge Base. Click the pop-out button at the top right of the widget to open the full article. |
Demo Video - Switching Views in Form Editing Mode
Edit Form Properties
Select an existing form and click the pencil icon to edit:
At the top of the resulting window (below), you will see the properties section. Before proceeding to edit or add individual prompts, click 'edit properties' if you need to adjust the overall settings for the form type you selected.
In the properties editor, you can edit or select the following:
- Form name - note, this refers to the overall experience form type, not the title of an individual experience form. Common examples include "Course Plan," "Lesson Plan," "Independent Study," "Group Project," etc.
- Form description
- Active status (deactivate or reactivate the form)
- Proposal Forms: update associations (i.e. evidence forms)
- Proposal Forms: update Skills Targets features
When all desired changes have been made, click the 'submit' button to apply all your changes.
Associations refer to the separate evidence form type, not to journals or learning logs. It is not related to the individual prompt type which allows the experience creator to upload files or web links to the form. Selecting an evidence form type allows students to upload evidence of learning (documents, videos, images, audio recordings, etc) to the experience.
Your site must have at least one active evidence form to create an association. Most Foundry sites will come pre-loaded with evidence forms, so you should not have to create one from scratch to enable the association. As you progress in your Foundry use, you may decide to create additional evidence forms that best suit your usage needs.
Skills Assessment Options
This feature is relevant to Foundry sites that make frequent use of the Skills target set. The options here actually refer to two different features - Skills targets and Assessments. Note: any combination of these options can be selected, including all or none. Please read each section below carefully before proceeding with these options.
Foundry "Assessments" were primarily designed for student self-assessment, and generally appear as rubrics you can design for repeated use. They do not refer to commonly used types of formative or summative assessment, like weekly writing, quizzes, tests, essays, etc.
These assessment forms are unrelated to content or skills targets, grades, or credits, and do not affect or interact with these data on the Performance page. For more information on designing and using Assessments, read this article (link pending).
The first option, "Allow student to select and align..." will add the Skills target chooser to the form automatically. The chooser will allow the experience creator (student or advisor) to attach one or more Skills targets from the target set. Note: if all boxes are unchecked, Skills targets cannot be added to the experience. If you want to give creators the option to manually select Skills targets for an experience, select the first option.
The second option, "Pre-select the 'Skills'..." will automatically open a chooser with your Skills target set displayed. This option means that every time this form type is selected by an advisor or student to create a new experience, the Skills targets you select will automatically be attached.
This feature can be used in conjunction with the first option. That is, you could decide that a particular Skill target or targets will always be assessed on this type of experience, and additional skill targets may be added at the discretion of the student or advisor. If only the "Pre-select" option is chosen, neither students nor advisors will be able to add Skills targets manually.
This feature only applies to the targets in your Skills Target set, not to those in the Content Target set.
The third option, "Automatically trigger a student skills self-assessment..." refers specifically to pre-designed assessments, not to the Skills target set. When the student submits the experience for evaluation, Foundry will prompt the student that an assessment has been assigned. The student will be able to see the assessment on their Performance page Assessments tab. The assessment will appear regardless of whether the advisor has evaluated the work.
For more information on designing and using Assessments, read this article (link pending).
Edit individual prompts
Each prompt (required and optional) has three basic features that appear in editing mode: a prompt title, a description, and the option to make the prompt required on the experience planning form.
Remember that the "Prompt Title" you enter in the first blank box is simply that - a prompt. The "Description" is simply any additional information you want the experience designer to consider when completing the entry. Only the prompt title will appear on the finished experience plan. The prompt description will not be visible.
Imagine you are building the form for completing an income tax return (we know, this was your dream when you entered the profession). The prompt titles for the form are "First Name" and "Last Name", not "John" and "Smith." That may sound extremely obvious, but if you don't have a lot of experience designing forms online, it takes a bit of practice.
For the Required prompt types below, the 'Required' box cannot be unchecked.
Some optional prompts will also contain boxes for 'Option Text' and an 'Add Option' button. This is for prompts meant to allow the user to add as many choices as necessary.
Each prompt comes with built-in features you will not see until done editing, like the list of students and advisors available for the experience, calendar dates, tasks, etc.
See the image below to see where you can add or edit the following:
- Click 'edit' to change the wording of a prompt name, description, or options.
- Click 'remove' to remove the prompt from the form. This feature is not available for required* prompts.
- Click 'up' or 'down' to reorder the prompts within the form (At present, this action must be done one move at a time - a 'drag' feature is not currently available.)
- Click 'duplicate' to create a copy of a prompt. This feature is not available for single-use prompts, but it can help save time if you plan to use certain prompts more than once.
Demo Video - Switching Views in Form Editing Mode
This quick video demonstrates the different appearances of forms and form prompts between various stages of editing and use: prompt editing, form editing, preview, experience design, and finished plan.
Required Prompt Types
When creating a form, required prompts will appear automatically.
Because each prompt has a different appearance at each stage (edit, preview, experience creation, and assigned plan), each required prompt is presented below as it appears at each stage. Most prompts in the 'editing' stage are blank until changed, and look almost exactly alike.
Note: The images, titles, and descriptions shown below were crafted for demonstration and learning purposes only. They are not intended to suggest useful prompt names for your forms, but to maintain consistency from one prompt stage to the next and provide useful information about each. Do NOT feel you need to use these names in your form design, especially with the optional forms. |
The overall name of the form you create, which designates the type of form you've created (ex: "Lesson Plan," "Independent Research Project," etc) will always display on the finished experience plan. But some users adopt practices like inserting descriptors like "Project" or "Biology" into the title, to indicate focus and improve sortability of experiences. Indicating your site's standard naming practices would be a good use of the "Description" box if you opt to use it.
Prompt editing mode:
Form editing mode:
Experience design mode:
Prompt editing mode:
Form editing mode:
Experience design mode:
Start / End Date
Prompt editing mode:
Form editing mode:
Experience design mode:
Experience Members
Prompt editing mode:
Form editing mode:
Experience design mode:
The below image shows all four required elements on the assigned Experience Plan:
Next Steps
Once you have finished editing your required prompts, you can continue to add features from the expandable menu at top right.
For help defining and understanding the various prompt types available to you, check out the other Prompt Types articles (Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced).
When you are ready to finish editing the form, you can click 'submit', or you can click 'save for later' if you plan to continue working at a different time. You will find your 'saved for later' forms by selecting 'show draft forms' or 'show only draft forms' from the main Forms menu.
Suggested Reading
Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." |