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Export or Import Forms



This article explains how to export or import a Foundry form from your site.



Exporting Foundry Forms

Any form in your site can be exported from your Foundry site. Forms are downloaded as a unique file format of .pff and can then be imported directly into other Foundry sites. This is helpful as our schools network and use each other as resources.

Navigate to Admin > Forms to find your school's list of forms. To the far right of the form list row you will see several action icons. 


Click the 'Export' button for the respective form you'd like to export, and a .pff file will download to your computer.  The fully downloaded .pff file can now be shared with others who would like to import it directly into their own Foundry site.

Importing Foundry Forms

On the same Forms page, above the form list, you will see an 'Import Form' button. 
Click this button to open the file browser on your computer, and choose the file you would like to import. Remember that only files with the extension '.pff' can be imported and used as Foundry forms.
Once imported, you can edit/assign the form just as you would any other form in Foundry.
Labels: forms, form assignment,
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