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Forms: Introduction




This article introduces the various types of forms available to Foundry users. Only users with Admin privileges can create and edit forms; if you are an Advisor looking for new forms or to change an existing form, contact your school's Admin user.  Read here to learn to create a form.







Everything in Foundry is recorded via a form: learning experiences, learning logs, journals, results, assessments, evaluations.  Your school might use different types of the same forms, and your Foundry site comes pre-populated with working examples of each type of form.


Experience Plans

Each type of learning experience has its own plan template. A plan consists of a form with prompts for students and advisors to record relevant information specific to that type of learning experience. Advisors and students can see available plan templates by selecting Quick Actions > Create Experience:




A school may have several plans to encompass the various types of learning experiences offered in the program. Separate experience plans help accomplish separate goals and track progress on distinct learning targets. Experiences can vary greatly in scope, from the size of a traditional daily lesson plan to a semester-long course. The names and number of forms you see when this menu opens depends on the naming conventions you adopt and which forms are made available to individual users. Still, they are viewable and handled in basically the same way:




For example, a student working on a book report may use a form with prompts that require them to complete an Independent Reading Log, responding to prompts on genre, author, style, etc.

They may also want to create a project to raise awareness in their community about related social issues. Your school could create and adopt a Service Learning Plan, with its own questions about the goals of the project, community needs, organizations involved, etc. Such a form can be enhanced with various specialized prompts that hold dates, tasks, lists, buttons, checkboxes, etc.

Other experience form examples could include Seminars, Field Experiences, or Work-based Learning.

Additionally, the student may be required or choose to complete journal forms to track improvements, setbacks, and reflections, submit learning log forms to track and record time involvement within each active learning experience, and/or attach evidence forms to archive evidence of learning and artifacts.  

Note that a Form is merely a template for advisors and students to customize with specific prompt questions tailored to the content and goals of a particular experience.  

Each of these forms needs to fit your school or classroom's workflow and common language. If you don't see forms that match the needs of your workflows, contact your Foundry Admin.

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A series of prompts that allow users to upload evidence and artifacts (blueprints, interviews, video footage, photo journals, notes, etc) of student learning throughout a learning experience. Typically,  a summative assessment like the above is the final piece of work on a project, and this is what is typically uploaded as evidence. 

Read more in detail about how evidence works here.


Journal Forms

A series of reflective prompts aimed at helping a user collect and organize his/her thoughts/progress/etc. as well as share anecdotal insights from the previous day(s)' activities. Journals often complement logging time to specific learning experiences. Journals provide understanding of how a student is “feeling” about learning.

Read more in detail about how journals work here.


Learning Logs

Records that describe time-on-task, giving the teacher clear information about a student's readiness to guide their own learning and get results at a pace that will keep them engaged and meet expectations. Foundry will aggregate total time spent on each experience in the student's Portfolio.

Read more in detail about how learning logs work here.

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A series of reflective prompts a user responds to regarding a particular learning experience or user. These can be scheduled during a project, triggered at the end of the project, or manually assigned by an advisor.

More information about assessments will be published soon. Please check back for updates or contact us at support@projectfoundry.com for further assistance.



Suggested Reading

Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." 


Forms: Create a New Form

Forms: Customize Your Forms

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