In section 1, we learned a few things:
- As in life, anything can be a learning experience in Foundry,
- As long as it starts with a plan to develop specific skills,
- And those skills are represented by learning targets.
What else does a quality learning experience plan have?
Usually the experience plan starts with a driving question, like the big idea. |
Sometimes that driving question has smaller guiding questions to help you explore that big idea in detail and in different directions. |
Experience plans also include things like activities, timelines, due dates, and checklists to help you keep organized and on track.
They should also include learning resources to help answer your questions like videos, articles, or guest experts.
They will also include ways you will show your learning along the way. You might be asked to reflect on what you've learned or practiced in a journal or a learning log. Your teachers can give you notes and feedback on these reflections right in Foundry.
Also, the experience plan will describe the evidence of learning, or the result. This is how your teachers, advisors, or coaches will evaluate the skills you learned along the way.
Examples of evidence could be things like,
- A short story you wrote about a person lost in the woods using their survival skills to find their way home, or
- A map of cities you've visited with geographic information about each one, or
- A presentation of the results of your gardening experiment.
When you first start in Foundry, your teacher / advisor / coach will create and assign your learning experience plans to you. As you learn and grow, you may start building these experience plans yourself, based on your goals, ideas, and big questions.
Next: What does an Experience Plan look like in Foundry?