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Personal Learning Plans



This page describes the student Personal Learning Plan (PLP) page in Foundry. Students can explore what they will see here, how they can manage the content presented, etc. by reading through this page. When the student hovers over the screen image, the red circles will tell them more about the specific components.




Personal Statement and Goals

Overall Learning Target and Credit Progress bars

In-Program Credits and Experiences

Containers for displaying results

Student Information



As Advisor, you see many of the same pages that the student does. In your role of advisor, your version of the page has a green colored top menu. The student's pages have a bright blue menu bar.

To arrive at the PLP page for a specific student, use the following navigation steps:

  1. Login to your advisor role in Project Foundry.
  2. Select 'My Students' from the green menu bar
  3. Select a student
  4. Click on the student name in his or her card. You will now arrive at the student dashboard.
  5. In the sub menu click on the 'Personal Learning Plan' tab to open the PLP page for that student.

Once in the PLP page, you will notice it consists of several content boxes. Together, the information in the boxes present a whole picture of the student. A standard student PLP page includes:

  • Personal Statement
  • Goals
  • Overall Learning Target and Credit Progress bars
  • In-Program Credits and Experiences
  • 2 containers for displaying results of online learning ('ALEKS', 'Rosetta Stone')
  • Student information

Some of the boxes will be filled in by Foundry as your student progresses throughout the school year. Others are editable by the student, like the Personal Statement and the Goals. Below the screenshot we describe the individual boxes and what you can have your student work on.



At the beginning of a particular year or term, you may want to work with your students to create or update their Personal Statement and Goals. These two can be edited directly from the screen, by clicking on [edit] in the upper right hand corner of the box.


Personal Statement and Goals boxes

This is an example of what you will see when you click to edit the 'Goals' box.

You can add a photo of yourself and write something that represents what you want others to know about who your are. You can format  how it will look using the toolbar at the top, and even include links to other documents, videos, etc. to help complete the picture.



As advisor you may ask your student to think about learning goals for this year. Your student or you, on behalf of the student, can add those goals here.

To start, click on [add new goal] in the upper right corner of the box.


This is the popup window your student sees when ready to add personal goals.

Your student can give a title for the goal, add a description, a date when the goal should be achieved, or more detail, such as if the goal is worked on together with others.

Finally, as an advisor, you can also indicate if this goal is for the individual student, or is assigned to all students in a specific group, such as your own advisory group.

Click save to save your goal and add another one.




In Progress Learning indications

Two of the boxes on your PLP page show your student a quick progress of learning. 

Overall Learning Target completion and Credit earned progress box.

Every time your student earns additional credit, or completes a learning target, these progress bars adjust.


Your active experiences are listed in their own box. Easy to see, easy to access. Want your advisor to tell you how you are doing? Posting a quick comment is easy by following the link from right inside this box.



Online Learning Boxes

The Personal Learning Page can reflect learning achieved outside the class room. Examples could be ALEKS and Rosetta Stone. 

The ALEKS and Rosetta Stone boxes can be filled with screenshots of results from working to complete those online classes. 

Your school may use different online courses, such as Kahn Academy, etc., or none at all.


This is what it looks like when you edit your ALEKS box to update the screen shot with your result.

Simply select [edit] and paste your updated results screenshot from ALEKS.

Notice that you have the opportunity to add your own comments about working with ALEKS.



Student Information

This field displays all data entered as Custom Student Attributes. Admin users can see and edit these attributes in the User Profile:


When they are used, they appear on the Student PLP page like this:


The display shows nothing when Custom Attribute fields are left blank in the User Profile.


Suggested Reading


Labels: Student, PLP page,
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