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Settings: Manage Resources (video)

Note: This article contains video content that will not display or is not optimized to display correctly in the Foundry on-site support widget. For best results, we recommend reading the original in the Knowledge Base. Click the pop-out button Screen_Shot_2022-12-13_at_11.56.07_AM.png at the top right of the widget to open the full article.



This article explains how the Resources page works and how to add and manage the types of resources it can hold. Note: This function is not related to the "Resources" widget that can be added to learning experience forms.



Overview Video


Access and Management

Add / Manage Resources



Overview Video





The resources page holds information you believe is helpful for your students to use on a recurring basis, but not attached to a specific learning experience. Examples could include a statement of a school's online learning policy, links to editing or research websites, or the login page of a blended learning platform like Aleks Math or Rosetta Stone (note these sites do not integrate with Foundry - the link will open the page in a new tab).

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Access and Management

Who can access Resources?

The resources page is available to all Foundry roles - Admin, Advisor, Student, Coach, and Parent.


Who can manage Resources?

Admin role privileges are required to manage available resources, but a user with dual Admin/Advisor roles can manage resources from either role.

As the video notes, managing resources from the Advisor role (for dual-role users) allows the user to add a resource by selecting user groups or roles from a drop-down menu. This menu does not appear when managing resources in the Admin role, so we recommend dual-role Admin/Advisors switch to their Advisor role when using this function. To review how to manage the roles for an individual user, read here.

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Add / Manage Resources

To add or manage resources, navigate to Resources. By default, you will see your name listed at top, and any resources that have already been assigned. Click your name to bring out the list of users on your site. Here you can view which resources are available to individual users by selecting their name from the list or typing it into the filter field at the top of the list. In the image below, the user "Admin Admin" has already selected the student Godric Borrell:




To add a new resource, click "Manage Resources" to see all the currently existing resources:


Column headers, from left to right:

  • Actions: click the pencil icon to edit the resource, or the "x" to delete it;
  • Date: the date the resource was added;
  • Title: the name given to the resource;
  • Prioritize: the video above does not mention this, but it is a mechanism for sorting the resources. If you assign values to these, you will see the order appear correctly the next time you sign in;
  • Users: the first 10 users are shown with initials; any additional beyond this will appear if you mouse-over the "and more" text.

To add a new resource, click “Add Resource” at the upper right. By default, all students are added to the list, but you can remove individuals or all students and customize the list.


You can type individual names in the Members field, or add a resource to a group using the dropdown at the top right. Notice also that you can add a resource to all users with a particular role. This could be useful for making materials available to parents, for example.


Note: Choosing to select all members of a particular role will replace any currently selected users, i.e., you can’t use the role selector for parents and then try the same thing to add coaches. You can, however, add multiple groups, or type individual names into the box. We expect this feature will be further refined down the road. For now, we recommend using it to add a resource to one group or role at a time. If you want a resource to be available to all students AND all advisors, for example, it is best to add it twice - once for each role. Remember, these users will not see it twice on their resource pages.


Once you have selected the users to receive the resource, add the title, priority (optional), and then the information in the text box. As noted, you can paste a link to another website, or add your own text. It is a formatted, or "WYSIWYG" text box, so formatting choices will hold. Click "Save" to finish.

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Labels: settings, resources,
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