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This article describes how to set up users in Foundry. Information on managing multiple users in Foundry is available through the links posted in the Related Topics section of this page.
Personal & Account Information
Introductory Video
In the Admin role, navigate to the Users menu and select Create User:
Personal & Account Information
The first section is basic personal login information. See below the image for detailed instructions.
- Enter first and last name; middle initial is optional. Gender is optional. Note: Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.
- UserID is not the same as username - schools use this when reporting to the state or other agencies that maintain those records. Note: some reports and transcripts in Foundry - especially spreadsheet exports - include the UserID in the exported data. When using more than one spreadsheet exports to analyze data, having the UserID field populated is very useful in relating one sheet to another.
- Create a username (5 character minimum) following a standard format in use at your school.
- Enter and confirm unique password (6 character minimum).
- We strongly recommend adding a valid e-mail address at this time, although it is not yet required in Foundry. Read below, it is coming soon!
- Check the 'active' option to make sure that the new user is active once the information is submitted to the application.
Note: Foundry will soon be moving to proper email addresses as usernames only. Consider starting to use email addresses now will save you additional administrative work and getting your users used to using email for their username down the road. Read here to learn how to do it. |
[back to Contents]
The next step is to select the new user's role. A user's role affects what they can see and change, as well as how they can exist in a group. It is possible to select more than one role. For instance, some users will be both Admin and Advisor. Read here for more on roles in Foundry.
Student-Specific Attributes
If you select 'student' as the role, Foundry will show you additional information boxes: 'Student Attributes' and 'Advisors appearing on Detail Transcript' (see below). Select/enter the following:
Start Date: The date the student started at your school.
Proposed Graduation Date: Proposed graduation date.
Allow student to add a log...?
This relates to a particular component of learning experiences, the learning log (formerly known as 'time log'). If this box is checked, a student can select a log form and complete it to indicate time spent on a particular task or activity.
Allow student to send messages?
Checking this box allows students to send messages to other users with whom they have some group relationship, including advisors, other students, as well as coaches and parents.
Require a task due date?
Note: Since this option was developed, changes were made to Foundry tasks that always require a due date, so checking this box has no effect at present. Our development team will be making updates soon. |
Update Default Plan for selected user?
Student Learning Plans are created and maintained in a different place in Foundry. However, the default plan is assigned here, in the User Profile.
Checking this box will make the User Default plan dropdown appear. If a learning plan has been assigned to a student, you have the option to make itthe default learning plan to display on the Performance Page. It is also the plan that will be used to generate transcripts. Read more about Learning Plans here.
Custom Student Attributes
Any Custom School Attributes your school has added to student profiles - see some examples below. Read here for more on managing school attributes.
Advisors Appearing on Detail Transcript
If your school uses Foundry transcripts, the Advisor(s) name(s) you select here will appear on that transcript.
Finally, you can add notes or descriptions to the setup record (see above) as needed. These can serve any purpose - emergency contacts, preferred nicknames, notes on differentiation, or whatever your school needs.
Form Assignments
Foundry can maintain a large number and wide variety of experience forms that students or advisors can use to plan an experience. Over time, your team may develop many types of forms for various activities that not all users need; therefore, you may also choose not to make all forms available to every user.
These windows appear the same for both roles. Note that you can select all forms to be available, but if no forms is selected, all active forms will be available to the selected user.
Selecting a default form means that when a student or advisor chooses to 'Create an Experience,' the default form will automatically open, rather than the list of forms. It is not necessary to choose a default form.
Click "Save" to enter the user data into Foundry.
To check that the student was correctly added to Foundry, select 'Search Users' from the main menu and search for the recently added new user.
Also, to make sure that the user can log in to Foundry, use the appropriate student role authentication (user name and password) and login to Foundry ("[yourschool]".) Read here for more detail on logging in to Foundry.
Adding multiple new users using batch mode
If your school is just starting out, or is experiencing any of the other events that could lead to a larger group of new students joining the school, it is possible to establish a record for all of them at once. For a full description of this functionality, read the article, 'Users: Add Multiple with Batch Upload Spreadsheet.'
Suggested Reading:
Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles." |
Uploading multiple users in batch mode
Managing one or multiple users
Deactivate or Reactivate a user
Labels: add a student, adding users, Users,