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Experiences: Evaluate (video)

Note: This article contains video content that will not display or is not optimized to display correctly in the Foundry on-site support widget. For best results, we recommend reading the original in the Knowledge Base. Click the pop-out button Screen_Shot_2022-12-13_at_11.56.07_AM.png at the top right of the widget to open the full article.



This article describes how to evaluate Foundry experiences. By this point, you should be familiar with planning and assigning an experience and monitoring progress of the student. If you have not yet reviewed or practiced working with them, read the articles on the following:


Learning logs



Creating Experiences




Quick Overview Video

Accessing the Evaluation Screen

Editing Options

Evaluation Steps

Advanced Evaluation Guide

Completing the Experience




Foundry makes a distinction between 'evaluating' a student and 'assessing' a student. 

Assessment: taking pulse on learning progress, often through some form of self reflection by the student. (see Article on Assessment)

Evaluation: formal review and grading of learning gained through the experience by the assigned advisor.



Quick Overview Video

This video demonstrates how to evaluate a single student, apply the same mark for multiple targets, and apply the same mark for multiple targets for multiple students. Below the video, images and text describe the process in more detail.


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Evaluate the experience

How to access the evaluation screen

There are two ways to get to the evaluation screen on an experience: through the the pop-up "modals" in the Work to Do table, or from experience plan page. Each is shown below:


Through the Work to Do Modal:


Clicking the large button at left will show all actionable (requested, returned, or submitted) student experiences; clicking the cell to the right (in the Experiences column) will open those actionable experiences for the student in that row. Below are experiences for Adelaide Bailey:

(figure 1)



(figure 2)



Through the Experiences Page:


Either method will open the main evaluation screen.


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Editing Options

Notice the options at the top level of the window in the evaluation, which include opening the plan, listing the evidence, and an overview. Opening the timeline may reflect dates out of order if the experience has gone back and forth in status.  




From this section you can do the following:

  • Edit the project title
  • View previous versions of the experience plan (see below)


  • Jump to a different stage of the experience lifecycle (Plan, Evidence and Learning Logs)
  • Modify the Completion Date associated with the Experience. By default, Foundry uses the target end date set when the experience was accepted by the advisor and became 'Active'.
  • Add experience members and/or add/modify learning targets. These options appear on the evaluation table. Select the appropriate link [add/edit learning targets] and [add/edit project members]:


These two links open the Experience form in edit mode. Foundry tracks your modifications over time, in case you need to review this history (as noted above).


Warning: Do not remove a student or a target that has evaluation data still attached. If you have awarded credits to a student, removing that student will not remove the credits earned, and will impact the Performance page and Transcripts. 

To remove a student with earned credits, clear the credits from their evaluation screen using the "clear" and "save" buttons. Once no further data remains in their column, you can remove them from the experience.

To remove a target with evaluation data attached, clear any student evaluations associated with that target first. 


None of the above actions is critical to evaluating the experience. They mainly contain features that have been updated and made easier to use, but retain other qualities that users might find helpful. When you have finished reviewing, click 'Evaluation.'


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Evaluation Steps

  1. Evaluate content targets, credits*, and grades*
  2. Evaluate skills targets
  3. Add comments
  4. Complete the experience


This section covers the basics of evaluating. More advanced options and techniques are discussed here.

When you select "Assign and Evaluate" from the experience plan options, or "Evaluate" from the Experiences or Work-to-Do pages, an evaluation window opens. At present, Foundry assumes you have been monitoring work completed along the way, so this screen does not display the work - only the evaluation metrics. The following tabs are available:

  • Assessments*
  • Standards, Credits and Grades
  • Skills
  • Comments



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Standards, Credits, and Grades 

This tab will display a table with a column for each student listed as a member of the experience, and a row for each content target assigned to the experience.

Note: even when you open the evaluation from a single student's popup (as in the bottom image above), the evaluation screen shows all students attached to the experience. You can, however, evaluate one student's work at a time.


Select Student: As shown in the video, for each Content or Skill target, click on the specific student you are evaluating. The available scale marks appear in that student's column.

Select Grade/Mark: Targets are grouped by subject group. For each target, the selected evaluation scale is displayed. Select the mark and click "save" for each target. Below the last row of targets are "grade" and "credit" options, if your school uses either. The selected grade scale is displayed. Credit is entered as a number (or decimal, for fractional credit).


After saving target evaluations, you can assign a grade and/or a credit to the experience as a whole (if this option is enabled in your Admin settings).




Note: The Scale marks that appear in the "Grade" cell are determined by which scale is set by default to evaluate grades. This happens on the Admin side. Read here for further information on how scales are set.


Each evaluation mark and credit will appear on the student's Performance page immediately, instead of upon completion of the project as whole.

This is incredibly useful when doing asynchronous work: students who complete work at different times do not have to wait for other students to see their evaluations, and teachers can avoid grading bottlenecks by evaluating on-the-fly, rather than waiting until all assignments have been submitted. 

However, results will not be available in Transcripts until the entire experience is completed.


If a large number of students are on the experience, you can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window to move around quickly:


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When you have evaluated and saved each student's content targets, click the "Skills" tab. Repeat this process for skills targets, if they are included in the experience, then click the "Comments" tab.



The comments tab allows you to leave individual comments on each student's evaluation for the experience. You can also create a standard comment for all students, then customize individual comments. Click "save" when you are finished commenting.


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Completing the Experience

Selecting "Complete Project" will change its status to Completed, store their results, make those available in the Transcript reports, and prohibit students from adding further work like journals, evidence, or logs. You can return experiences to Active status at any time.

Note: At present, it is not possible to complete a project for the individual student, if multiple students are assigned to an experience. 



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Suggested Reading

Note: Articles linked here under "Suggested Reading" are chosen by Foundry Support team members for their relevance and are updated as needed. The articles listed here may differ from those on the right side of the page, where the Knowledge Base AI lists "Related Articles."


Experiences: Create Your First Experience

Experiences: The Experiences Page

Performance Page (Advisor)

Generating Transcripts



Labels: Experiences, anytime evaluation, assessment, evaluate experience,
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